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A famous Ukrainian mountaineer died in the battles for Soledar

The athlete held a position in the federation.

A famous Ukrainian mountaineer died in the battles for Soledar

In the battles for Soledar died vice-president of the Mountaineering and Rock Climbing Federation of Ukraine Oleksandr Zakolodny, reports the Sports Committee of Ukraine.

In the federation, the 35-year-old sportsman headed the mountaineering committee. Oleksandr was a master of sports in mountaineering, a candidate for master of sports in rock climbing and tourism, a member of the Ukrainian mountaineering team and worked in the Kharkiv city council.

It is reported that his friend Hryhoriy Grigoriev, who was a candidate, also died. at the master of sports in climbing. He was also 35 years old.

Let us remind you that since the spring of 2014, hostilities in Ukraine have been taking place in separate territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, where separatists, with the support of Russia, declared the so-called “DPR and LPR”.< /p>

On February 24 of this year, Russian President Putin made an urgent statement about conducting a special military operation on the territory of Ukraine, launching a large-scale invasion of Ukrainian cities. Soledar is now one of the hottest spots on the front.

Read also: A famous Ukrainian strongman died near Bakhmut

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Earlier it was reported that Dynamo ultras died in the battles for Soledar.

Source: ZN

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