Sport News

APL club announces match against Dynamo

Teams will play a friendly match.

 The APL club announced a match against

English” Everton “, represented by Ukrainian ex-player ” Dynamo “ Vitaliy Mykolenko, addressed an official proposal to the Kyiv club to organize a friendly match.

It will be recalled that the current season of the Ukrainian Football Championship was o ended prematurely due to Russia's military invasion. The first place went to Shakhtar, which was two points ahead of Dynamo by 18 points.

Dynamo received a special permit from the Ministry of Sports to allow the club's players to leave Ukraine during martial law. and play charity sparring matches.

Read also: Ukrainian Mykolenko's Everton retains APL registration

Earlier it was reported that Dynamo plans to prepare for the new season in Kyiv .

Source: ZN

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