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During the match, the Russian tennis player complained about insults from Ukrainian fans

It happened in Australia.

Russian tennis player complained about insults from Ukrainian fans during the match

Russian tennis player Andriy Rublev during the match of the second round of the Australian Open-2023 complained to the referee about the behavior of Ukrainians with the national flag.

It just happened during the second set of a match against tennis player Emil Ruusuvori from Finland in Melbourne.

“I immediately told the referee that it's not about the flag, they can hang any the flag, I completely understand the situation. It's more that they started saying bad words to me. I said to the referee: It's not about the flag, but can you please tell them that at least they don't say bad words when it goes change of sides,” Rublev told about the situation.

Rublev is the number one racket of Russia and ranks sixth in the ATP ranking.

It should be noted that on February 25, after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, at a tournament in Dubai, Rublev wrote “No war, please” on the television camera.

Read also: “I work on drones”: the famous Ukrainian tennis player told about his duties in the war

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Earlier it was reported that a Ukrainian tennis player defeated a Russian and refused to shake his hand.

Source: ZN

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