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Fans rioted in Brussels after Morocco's victory over Belgium at the 2022 World Cup

The culprits could be the Moroccan fans.

Fans rioted in Brussels after Morocco's victory over Belgium at the World Cup-2022

Mass riots took place in Brussels after the end of the match of the World Cup-2022 between Belgium and Morocco (0:2).

Fans went to the city center and started burning cars and garbage cans, as well as damaging other city property. In the video, Morocco was seen in the hands of some of the violators.

The police arrested more than ten people, and also used water cannons and tear gas.

Belgium with three by points, it is in third place in Group F. Morocco already has four points and shares the first two places with Croatia.

Read also: FIFA World Cup 2022: the final position of the teams in the groups

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Earlier it was reported that FIFA banned the sale of beer in the stadiums of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.

Source: ZN

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