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“Fulfillment of the mission to unify the world”: the IOC does not consider its actions to be aiding Russia

The organization once again tried to explain its position.

"Fulfillment of the mission to unify the world": the IOC does not consider its actions to be aiding Russia

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) declared its support for Ukrainian athletes, but at the same time noted that it does not consider its desire to return representatives of Russia and Belarus to world sports to be a contradiction strong>.

Another comment on this situation is published on the official website of the IOC.

“Fulfilling its mission to unite the world in sports competitions and complying with the Olympic Charter does not make the IOC complicit with Russia.

One can remain in solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian Olympic community without agreeing with everything they call for. Through hours after the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which was supported by Belarus, the IOC was one of the first international organizations to strongly condemn the invasion. Unlike most other global organizations, we also imposed sanctions on the governments of these countries.

Today, the IOC supports about 3,000 Ukrainian athletes so that they can play sports. This support was recently reinforced to have a strong team from the NOC of Ukraine for the 2024 Olympic Games and the 2026 Olympic Games. The NOC, national federations and organizers of sports events were asked to make every effort to promote the training and participation of Ukrainian athletes in international sports competitions.

The IOC remains steadfastly on the side of the Ukrainian Olympic community,” the statement said.


We would like to remind you that the International Olympic Committee recommended that the representatives of the Russian Federation and Belarus be admitted to the competition in a neutral status, provided that they have not been seen actively supporting the war in Ukraine and comply with doping legislation.

Read also: Russian athletes began to apply for Asian tournaments

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Earlier the European Parliament called on the IOC to cancel the admission of athletes from Russia and Belarus to the selection for the 2024 Olympics.

Source: ZN

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