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“Gazprom pays for everything”: the Czech Republic joined the boycott of the 2023 World Boxing Championships

Czech boxers will not go to men's and women's tournaments.

"Gazprom pays for everything": the Czech Republic joined the boycott of the 2023 World Boxing Championships

The Czech national team has joined the boycott of the men's and women's world boxing championships, which will be held under the auspices of the International Boxing Association (IBA) in 2023 .

This was stated by the president of the Czech Boxing Association, Marek Szymak, in a comment to

“This is the position of the entire executive committee. Our state expresses a similar opinion. We made this decision because we condemn the war in Ukraine.

The entire boxing association, together with the former leadership, supported Ukraine. This is a long-term position, because IBA is managed by the Russian Umar Kremlov, who is very closely connected with Vladimir Putin. There, many things are decided by money, Gazprom pays for everything. They want the World Cup to be considered a more important tournament than the Olympics,” Shimak said.

The men's World Cup will be held in Uzbekistan from May 1 to 14, and the women's in India from March 15 to 31. The IBA allowed Russians and Belarusians to tournaments under its auspices and allowed the use of the flags and anthems of both countries.

The US and Irish national teams previously announced their decision to skip the world championships.

Read also: IBA exposes itself a laughing stock in front of the whole world – Volodymyr Klitschko

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Earlier it was reported that boxing may be excluded from the Olympics program due to ties with Gazprom.

Source: ZN

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