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It became known what Macron said to the star of the French national team after the defeat in the final of the 2022 World Cup

The President was present at the decisive match of the World Cup.

It became known what Macron said to the star of the French national team after the defeat in the final of the World Cup-2022

French President Emmanuel Macron revealed the content of the conversation with the striker of the national team and PSG Kylian Mbappe after the defeat in the final World Cup-2022.

“We conceded a lot after the first half. Such comebacks have already happened, but it is a rarity in football. It is amazing. What Mbappe did is extraordinary, but in it's a credit to the whole team. Mbappe is a great player but he's young. I told him he's only 24 years old. He became the top scorer in this World Cup. He was already a champion and now he's in the final. I'm as sad as him. The team made us very proud. Yes, in the end we lost the football match. This is sport,” Macron was quoted as saying by RMC Sport.

Yesterday, December 18, in the final of the 2022 World Cup, Argentina beat France in a series of post-match penalties.

Argentina won its third World Cup in history after victories at the 1978 and 1986 World Cups. For team captain Lionel Messi, this is the first victory at the tournament.

The French national team was the reigning world champion after winning the 2018 World Cup. Also, the European team won the gold of the home tournament in 1998.

Read also: The main characters of the World Cup-2022: Messi is the best player of the tournament, Mbappe received the “Golden Boot”

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Earlier it was reported that a series of records was set in the finals of the 2022 World Cup in football.

Source: ZN

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