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It became known where the match between Shakhtar and Dynamo in the UPL could take place

This is not London.

It became known where the match could take place

Commercial director of “Shakhtar” Dmytro Kyrylenko told where the nominal home game will be held match of the 7th round of the UPL against Dynamo.

“After long negotiations, it was decided not to hold this match in the capital of Great Britain. We made every effort and had a great desire to carry out this initiative, but the circumstances turned out differently and prevented us from playing with “Dynamo” in London.

We ran out of time. It is impossible to organize a match at a high level during such a period. Where will the match be held now? So far there is no definite answer to this question answers. We are considering two options – either in Warsaw or in Lviv,” said Kyrylenko.

We would like to remind you that the last season of the Ukrainian football championship was ended early due to the full-scale military invasion of Ro seeds The first place remained with “Shakhtar”, which, based on the results of 18 rounds, was ahead of “Dynamo” by two points.

The new UPL season started on August 23, and the matches are taking place in different cities of Ukraine. “Shakhtar” and “Dynamo” Eurocup matches are played in Poland.

Read also: “I often dream of “Donbas Arena”: the Shakhtar player talked about a possible return to Donetsk

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Earlier it was reported that “Dynamo” lost the second match in a row in the Europa League.

Source: ZN

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