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“Slaves and weaklings”: the Ukrainian medalist of the 2020 Olympics characterized the behavior of Russian athletes

Karate athlete Stanislav Horuna emphasized that Russians are afraid to express their position.

"Slaves and weaklings": the Ukrainian medalist of the 2020 Olympics characterized the behavior of Russian athletes

Bronze the prize-winner of the 2020 Olympics in karate Stanislav Horuna shared his opinion about the behavior of Russian athletes during the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine.

“They definitely see everything about me on Instagram. Especially in the first months, when I am in Instagram stories every day posted videos and photos about the war and wrote in posts what and how it was happening. But there was no reaction from them. I know for sure that they watched and saw it, discussed it among themselves, but everyone is silent. They are slaves and weaklings, dependent on their the government that pays their salaries. That is, buys them.

If they are addicted to it and their actions show it, then they have been bought. You can be an athlete on a salary, but that does not mean that you are silent and push tongue in one place. They they don't see what they can do, because they are not being attacked, so they are okay. They don't care about that. They may express some concern, but I don't believe in their sincerity,” Horuna said in an interview with XSPORT.

Let us remind you that Stanislav Horuna won bronze in the weight category up to 75 kg at the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. He is also the champion and silver medalist of the World Games, as well as the champion of the European Games.

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Earlier it was reported that Horuna donated his Olympic medal to help the Armed Forces.

Source: ZN

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