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Terrorists bomb “military” facilities with sleeping children inside – Malinovsky

The leader of the Ukrainian national team reacted to the Russian rocket hitting a residential building in Kyiv.

Terrorists bomb

Atalanta and Ukrainian national team player Ruslan Malinovsky commented on the morning rocket attack by the Russians on Kyiv – one of the shells hit a 9-story apartment building.

“Good morning, Europe. This is Kyiv today. Terrorists are bombing the “military” objects with sleeping children inside,” the football player wrote on Twitter.

In the morning, a missile attack by Russian troops was carried out on Kyiv – it ignited and a partially destroyed 9-story residential building, under the rubble of which people found themselves. One of the victims was a seven-year-old girl.

Read also: “What a murderous cowardice” – the British Ambassador about the shelling of Kyiv

Let us remind you that earlier Malinovsky declared that his Russian teammate does not support war.

Source: ZN

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