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The IOC named two conditions for the return of Russians to world sports

The organization plans the return of the occupiers.

The IOC named two conditions for the return of Russians to world sports

President of the International Ice Hockey Federation Luc Tardif told what conditions the International Olympic Committee put forward for the return of Russian ice hockey players to international competitions.

“IOC put forward two conditions for the return of Russian athletes. One relates to compliance with anti-doping rules. At the moment, we do not know how doping control is carried out in Russia, there are many questions on this topic alone. The second condition relates to the fact that athletes should not promote war, but we is not entirely clear. That's why we have a meeting with the IOC scheduled for mid-February. What should the athletes do, sign some paper or what? We have many questions for the IOC,” Tardif is quoted as saying by the Finnish publication Iltalehti.

Remember, the other day, the International Olympic Committee called to admit the representatives of the Russian Federation and Belarus move to the competition in a neutral status, provided that they were not seen actively supporting the war in Ukraine.

Later, the International Olympic Committee reacted to critical comments from Ukrainian officials regarding the possible admission of athletes from Russia and Belarus to the Olympics- 2024 in Paris.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi and Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba, in particular, condemned the idea of ​​returning Russians and Belarusians to world sports. It also became known that Poland and other countries may issue an ultimatum to the IOC in case of a decision on the admission of athletes from Russia and Belarus to the 2024 Olympics in Paris.

Read also: Sanctions against Russia and Belarus were adopted unanimously and not subject to discussion – IOC

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Earlier it was reported that a soldier of the Armed Forces showed the IOC the sports complex destroyed by the Russians in Bakhmut.

Source: ZN

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