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The Russians bombed the school of a biathlete of the Ukrainian national team

Anton Dudchenko's native village came under fire from the occupiers.

bombed the school of the biathlete of the Ukrainian national team” />

The Russian army bombed the school where the biathlete of the Ukrainian national team Anton Dudchenko studied.

The athlete reported this on his Instagram page.

“This my school. This is the place where I took my first steps in biathlon. It was destroyed by the Russians yesterday,” Dudchenko wrote.

The 26-year-old biathlete hails from the village of Vyry, which is located in the Sumy region. On March 24, the Russian army carried out an air strike and a kamikaze drone strike. Sumy OVA reported that as a result of these attacks, a kindergarten and a club were damaged, and the school was practically destroyed.

(photo – Sumy Society)

The Russians bombed the school of a biathlete of the Ukrainian national team

The Russians bombed the school of a biathlete of the Ukrainian national team

Anton Dudchenko is the silver medalist of the 2023 European Championship in the individual race and the medalist of the continental tournaments among juniors in 2016-2017 .

Read also: For the first time in history, the Ukrainian national team finished the biathlon World Cup season without medals

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Earlier it was reported that the Ukrainian Olympic biathlon champion refused to end her career , so as not to go to war.

Source: ZN

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