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The Taliban helped build stadiums for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar – media

The tournament has already started.

The Taliban helped build stadiums for the World Cup-2022 in Qatar - media

The Islamist movement “Taliban” provided equipment for the construction of stadiums for the World Cup-2022 in Qatar, reports The Telegraph.

According to the source, most of the top leadership of the Taliban lived in the Qatari capital for the past decade while peace talks with the United Nations and the United States continued.

Taliban officials received significant financial aid from Qatar and invested this money in heavy construction equipment, which was then used during the construction of stadiums for the 2022 World Cup.

“The Taliban invested a lot in the construction of the World Cup, this tournament became a golden duck for them. They were paid millions.” – reports a source close to those involved in the case.

Recall that on August 31, 2021, the United States announced the complete withdrawal of its troops from Afghanistan anu As a result of the withdrawal of the American military, the Islamist movement “Taliban” seized power in the country.

American President Joe Biden officially announced the exclusion of Afghanistan from the list of the main allies of the United States outside NATO.

The World Cup in football for the first time takes place in a Middle Eastern country. The decision to hold the World Cup outside of the summer months is also unique in history.

Read also: Every football player in Saudi Arabia will receive a Rolls-Royce for the victory over Argentina at the 2022 World Cup

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Previously it was reported that FIFA banned the sale of beer in the stadiums of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.

Source: ZN

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