Sport News

The women's fencing team of Ukraine won the World Cup team medal for the first time since 2019

Ukrainian women successfully performed in Belgium.

medal of the World Cup” alt=”For the first time since 2019, the women's fencing team of Ukraine won a team medal of the World Cup” />

The women's team of Ukraine won a team medal at the stage of the Fencing World Cup in Belgium, reports

The Ukrainian team was represented by Olga Harlan, Alina Komaschuk, Olena Kravatska and Valeriya Hnidasheva.

Ukraine started with a victory over Turkey (45:38), after which it won against the silver medalist of the 2020 Olympics, France, with a score of 45:44.

In the quarterfinals, the Ukrainian women beat Germany (45:42), and in the semifinals they lost to Italy (43:45). In the match for bronze, the Ukrainian national team met with the current world champion Hungary and won with a score of 45:41.

This is the first medal for Ukrainian saber women in the World Cup team tournament since 2019.

Read also: The International Fencing Federation forced the US team to remove the headbands with the Ukrainian flag

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Earlier, Harlan reacted to the decision of the International Fencing Federation to return Russians and Belarusians to tournaments.

Source: ZN

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