Sport News

Ukrainian MMA champion found his belt in liberated Irpen

Athlete joined the ranks of defense.

Ukrainian Bellator Champion in welterweight Yaroslav Amosov (26-0) found his championship belt in Irpen.

The MMA fighter in the ranks of the Terrorist Defense returned to the liberated Irpen, where he took his championship belt. Yaroslav went down to the cellar, where he got the Bellator title in the package. “

” A belt with a great history! And now I will not give it to anyone. My mother hid it securely, thanks to which he survived the bombing, “Amosov said.

It will be recalled that Amosov became the champion of the Bellator welterweight division last June, when he defeated Douglas Lima by a unanimous decision of the judges and took away his title.

Read also: Ukrainian mixed martial arts fighter killed during defense of Mariupol

Earlier it was reported that MMA champion Amosov will not defend the Bellator title yet and will stay in Ukraine .

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