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Yarmolenko estimated the probability of summer departure from West Ham

The Ukrainian footballer is unlikely to stay in the English club.

“I think 95% – I'll go. West Ham have the option to extend for another year, but no one has contacted me about it. I'm waiting for their decision in the coming week “Two.

If not, the agent will take care of my future employment. We will see what the options are,” said the 32-year-old footballer in a new issue of the KraSava YouTube channel.

Yarmolenko also He noted that he has a number of options for continuing his career:

“Teams from the Turkish championship and teams from, say, warm countries – Saudi Arabia. There are options from Spain, Italy, but I still think not determined I. I'm not up to it now. It doesn't matter where I end up.

Before the war, I was thinking about returning to Dynamo. At the moment, no one knows what will happen to the country. If there is no championship, where to return? If you choose the money and the club that gave me everything, I would choose the club. ”

Andriy Yarmolenko has been playing for West Ham since 2018 after moving from Borussia Dortmund.

Read also: Ukrainian football player Yarmolenko helped Chernihiv scouts

Earlier it was reported how Yarmolenko talked to Tymoschuk after the war .

Source: ZN

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