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“You're waiting for a bomb to hit your house”: the WBC president spoke about his conversation with Vitaliy Klitschko

The legendary boxer talked about life in the capital of Ukraine during the war.

"You're waiting for a bomb to hit your house": the WBC president spoke about his conversation with Vitaliy Klitschko

President of the World Boxing Council ( WBC ) Mauricio Suleiman shared impressions of the conversation with Vitaliy Klitschko.

“The video conference with Vitaliy Klitschko has ended, who told how life is now in Ukraine. Imagine that you wake up in the cold without heating, without electricity and water. You cannot go to bathroom, no mobile phone signal and no food while you wait for a bomb to hit your house,” wrote Suleiman on Twitter.

We remind you that the WBC continues the international isolation of Russian boxers after the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation.

In December, the World Boxing Association (WBA) decided to return boxers from Russia and Belarus to the organization's ratings, and later It became known that the International Boxing Association (IBA) intends to extend the sponsorship agreement with Gazprom.

Read also: Boxing may be excluded from the Olympics program due to ties with Gazprom

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Earlier it was reported that the Ukrainian boxing community strongly appealed to the WBA due to the return of the Russians.

Source: ZN

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