Sport News

Ukraine will host the European Karate Championship

The tournament will be held in Ukraine in 2026.

Ukraine will host the European Karate Championship

Ukraine has received the right to host the European Karate Championship in 2026, according to the Ukrainian Karate Federation.

The decision in favor of Ukraine's application was made at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Karate Federation (EKF).

This will be the first home Karate European Championship in the history of Ukraine. The host countries of the next continental tournaments will be Turkey, Spain, Croatia and Azerbaijan.

Russia was supposed to host the Euro in 2023, but the tournament was moved to Spanish Guadalajara amid Russia's military invasion of Ukraine.

< Read also: Ukrainian winner of the 2020 Olympics won a position in the World Karate Federation

Earlier it was reported that karatekas from Russia and Belarus are excluded from international competitions .

Source: ZN

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