
A 100-meter asteroid is rushing towards the Earth, and scientists discovered it very recently

This is one of the fastest asteroids that have passed by the planet recently.

ego very recently” alt=”A 100-meter asteroid is rushing towards the Earth, and scientists discovered it very recently” /> © NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/J. da Silva/Spaceengine

On December 17, asteroid 2023 AQ will fly past the Earth, the diameter of which is estimated by NASA to be 94 meters. And this celestial body was discovered quite recently, on January 13, reports the Hindustan Times.

According to NASA, the asteroid will fly by at a distance of 4.1 million kilometers from the Earth, that is, it does not pose any threat to the planet, although and belongs to the potentially dangerous class. It includes all celestial bodies whose diameter is equal to or exceeds 100 meters, and which fly at a distance of eight or more million kilometers from the planet.

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“Space stone” flies at a speed of almost 90 thousand kilometers per hour, which makes it one of the fastest asteroids that have passed by the Earth recently.

2023 AQ belongs to the group Apollo, it makes a revolution around the Sun in 1125 days. At the moment of maximum approach to the star, it is at a distance of 78 million kilometers from it, and at the maximum distance – at a distance of 555 million kilometers.

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Source: ZN

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