
A charity exhibition of photos of Dmytro Kozatskyi, head of the press service of the “Azov” regiment, is taking place in the capital

100% of the fees will go to the purchase of military aid to the “Azov” regiment

A charity exhibition of photos of the head of the press service of the

A charity exhibition of photos takes place in Kyiv from August 12 to 14 Dmytro Kozatskyi (call sign Orest), photographer and head of the press service of the “Azov” regiment. This is reported by

According to the report, with the permission of his mother Iryna, the exhibition is run by the Serhiy Prytula Charitable Foundation together with TNT Agency and ARTLIVE.

“We will also show those photos from the hell of Azovstal, which have not been published anywhere until now. We will show the videos that the defenders of Azovstal sent to their families simply from hell surrounded by the occupiers,” the organizers said in a statement.

As part of the three-day event, there will be a meeting-conversation with relatives of fighters of various units from Azovstal, this and ” Azov”, and border guards, and fighters of territorial defense and police of Mariupol. They will tell the stories of the defenders of Mariupol, which no one has heard so far.

“Azovstal is not the past yet. This is a story that continues right now. The defenders of Mariupol are still in Russian captivity. We don't have the right to forget about them,” the organizers say.

On the first day of the exhibition, Serhiy Zhadan performed his poems. On the third day of the exhibition, the TNMK band and DJ Darya Kolomiets will hold a musical evening to collect donations to help the military.

All collected funds will go to the purchase of military aid to the “Azov” regiment through the Charity The Serhiy Prytula Foundation.

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Dmytro Kozatskyi26 years old, he was born in Malyn, Zhytomyr region of Ukraine. In 2014, he left his studies in Poland to become a participant in the Revolution of Dignity. Currently, he is a student at the Ostroh Academy National University. In 2015, he joined the ranks of the National Guard of Ukraine, and later transferred to the “Azov” regiment. From March 1, 2022, together with other comrades, he held the defense at the Azovstal plant.

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Published by Orest (@kztsky)

Dmytro Kozatskyiis the head of the press service of the “Azov” regiment and the author of ten photos of wounded comrades from the field hospital at the plant, which flew all over the world. One of the photos, in which the boy is under the rays of the May sun falling inside the destroyed premises of the enterprise through a gap pierced by shells, was called “The light will win”. p> Related video

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Source: ZN

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