
A chatbot appeared to help Ukrainians with evacuation, humanitarian assistance and the return of deportees

The bot works in Telegram, but you can also ask for help by phone.

=”A chatbot has appeared to help Ukrainians with evacuation, humanitarian assistance and the return of deportees” />

Ministry of Reintegration of temporarily occupied territories< /strong> Ukraine launched a chat bot Minre_1548_Help_Bot, which will help with questions:

  • evacuations from occupied territories or zones of active hostilities;
  • providing humanitarian aid;
  • return from Russia or other countries of Ukrainians deported there.

In addition, Ukrainians who need help with the mentioned issues can contact the ministry's hotline at number 15-48, which works 24/7. You can also contact via the mobile applications WhatsUpp, Telegram and Viber at the number +38(096)0788433.

Now the Ministry of Reintegration is also working on the organization a free humanitarian evacuation route for Ukrainians forcibly deported to the Russian Federation in the direction Estonia – Latvia – Lithuania – Poland.

Read also: Ukraine demands from Russia's humanitarian corridor for the evacuation of residents from the territories close to the ZNPP Luhansk, Zaporizhia, and Kherson regions are holding illegal referendums on joining Russia. The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs believes that fake “referendums” and hybrid “mobilization” will not change anything for the Russian Federation. At the same time, the Western countries declared that they do not recognize the results of pseudo-voluntariness in the Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia.

Source: ZN

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