
A French scientist passed off a photo of a piece of sausage as a clear image of a star

Allegedly, he thereby wanted to urge visitors to social networks not to take the authors of the posts at their word, but it seems that he became famous precisely as a falsifier.

passed off a photo of a piece of sausage for a clear shot of a star” />

French scientist Etienne Klein has apologized for posting a photo on Twitter of a piece of Spanish chorizo ​​sausage that he mistook for a clear image of a star. In this way, he said, he wanted to call for caution regarding “obvious images”, Radio Liberty reports.

The author of the “joke” , Etienne Klein, is director of the French Commission for Alternative Sources and Atomic Energy. He posted a picture of a mug of sausage on Twitter with a photo of Proxima Centauri – the closest star to the Sun, taken with a high level of detail by the James Webb telescope. The post on Twitter received more than 15,000 “likes” and more than 2,000 retweets,

Klein later admitted to forgery. He explained his strange act by the fact that he allegedly wanted to “call for caution regarding seemingly obvious images.” The scientist also published a photo of the Wagon Wheel, a galaxy located 500 million light-years from Earth. Klein assured that this time the photo was real, but his sausage forgery hardly added credibility to him as a reputable scientist in the first place.

I remembered the parable about the boy who grazed sheep. He joked twice, shouting: “Wolves!” And when real wolves appeared, no one came to his cry for help.

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James Webb space telescope was launched into orbit in December 2021. This is a joint project of NASA, the European and Canadian space agencies. The device cost NASA ten billion dollars. It was developed and prepared for launch for 25 years. At the same time, its estimated service life does not exceed ten years.


Source: ZN

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