
A key lobbyist for the creation of nuclear weapons has become the head of the North Korean Foreign Ministry

Chhwe Son Hee, along with Kim Jong Un's sister, is one of the few North Korean women to hold such a high position.

 North Korea has become a key lobbyist for the creation of nuclear weapons.

The latter presented the goals of strengthening the country's military capacity and defense research to “protect North Korea's sovereign rights.”

A plenary session of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party was convened from Wednesday to Friday. Hee was the first deputy foreign minister and one of the few North Korean women to hold such a high-ranking post. infection and introduced a lockdown

North Korea's Seventh Nuclear Test

The appointment of a new minister comes after the West (including the United States) warned that North Korea was preparing for its seventh nuclear test and said it would seek UN sanctions again if it took place. .

On Wednesday, U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said the United States was “closely monitoring” a possible North Korean nuclear test.

South Korean Defense Secretary Lee Yong Sop and US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin will meet on Saturday during the Shanghai-La Dialogue Asian Security Summit in Singapore. It is traditionally attended by defense ministers and other military leaders of 28 countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

Earlier, Sister Kim Jong Un was part of the highest executive body in the DPRK. Kim Yo-Jong actually became the second person in the country. She is considered the most likely successor to Kim Jong Un as North Korea's supreme leader since his death.

Source: ZN

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