
Already at the beginning of the month: scientists predict a magnetic storm in December

It will be the result of a blow by the solar wind.

Already at the beginning of the month: scientists predict a magnetic storm in December

Scientists predict that already at the beginning of December, the Earth can be covered by a magnetic storm that will last for two days. This is evidenced by data from the space weather monitoring website Space Weather.

It is noted that a high-speed stream of the solar wind is rushing to Earth. Therefore, on December 1-2, a magnetic storm is expected on our planet. According to scientists' forecasts, it will be weak, class G1.

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Solar wind comes from a hole in the Sun's atmosphere , which visually resembles a canyon. When the flows of charged particles reach the Earth, excitation of the geomagnetic field is expected.

Magnetic storms are disturbances of the Earth's geomagnetic field with varying intensity, which can last from several hours to several days. Such events can affect the operation of communication systems, as well as lead to technical failures.

Magnetic storms also affect the well-being of elderly and weather-dependent people. Yes, a person may experience a headache, dizziness, nausea, irritability, insomnia, muscle aches, and so on.

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We remind you that on November 28, a magnetic storm was also recorded on Earth . It was associated with the flow of the solar wind, which was thrown out by the Sun on November 25.

Source: ZN

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