
An 8-year-old girl died in a village in the Kharkiv region due to Russian shelling

The girl's mother is alive but injured.

 An 8-year-old girl died in a village in Kharkiv region due to Russian shelling

An 8-year-old girl died during the shelling in Bezruky, Dergachiv community. Her mother was injured. This was announced by the head of the OVA Oleg Sinegubov in his Telegram channel.

“During the whole full-scale war at the hands of the occupiers in the Kharkiv region, 43 children have died. – said in a statement the head of the OVA.

Sinegub also noted that what Russia is doing now in the Kharkiv region – a war crime.

“The occupiers are deliberately beating residential areas where there are no military facilities. This is real terrorism against civilians. But Kharkiv residents should not be intimidated,” he said.

According to the head of the OVA, the Russian occupiers have already lost the battle for Kharkiv and are now terrorizing the civilian population and preparing for revenge. But they have no chance of capturing the city.

As previously reported, the Russian military fired artillery at the city of Kharkiv again on June 21 . As a result of the enemy attack, five people were killed and 11 others were injured.

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Source: ZN

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