
“And what did Pushkin do to you?”: Telegram-bot explains why Ukrainian streets should be renamed

In addition, the bot includes cities where monuments to one or another figure have been erected.

What did Pushkin do to you?

Ukraine has created a Telegram bot that explains why streets named after Russian or Ukrainian artists < strong> should be renamed . It was called “And what did Pushkin do to you?”. It also includes cities of Ukraine, where monuments to one or another figure have been erected.

Read also: A monument to Pushkin was dismantled in Chernihiv

Yes, you can find an alphabetical list of figures in the bot , information about which is contained in it.

When you choose a name, a list will appear, which includes the following sections: “What is known”, “Why not deserve to be honored?”, “Cities where the figure was honored”, “Monuments”.

< At the same time, in the section "Why does not deserve respect?" you can find different answers. For Alexander Pushkin, it says "Russian chauvinist", for Vladimir Vysotsky "objective reasons have not been identified, but Ukraine has enough talents," and for Leonid Bykov - "no reasons have been found."

Pushkin's monuments have already been dismantled in Ternopil and Chernihiv, and many cities in Ukraine are renaming streets named after Russian artists and cities. For example, Uzhhorod residents asked local authorities to de-Russify the names of streets and squares in the city . In particular, they want to rename the streets of Turgenev, Chekhov, Shishkin, Saltykov-Shchedrin and others.

Source: ZN

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