
Angelina Jolie left the post of UN Goodwill Ambassador for Refugees

The actress collaborated with the organization for more than 20 years.

Angelina Jolie resigned as UN Goodwill Ambassador for Refugees

Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie resigned as UN Goodwill Ambassador for Refugees after 20 years of cooperation with the organization. This is stated in the joint statement of the actress and the United Nations, published on the website of the Agency for Refugees.

It is noted that Jolie wants to participate in “a wider range of humanitarian issues and human rights.” In a statement, the actress is called “one of the most influential advocates of refugee rights” and notes that she will “continue to work to create a more equal, fair and inclusive international system.” At the same time, it is noted that the protection of the rights of refugees will be one of the directions of the actress' work.

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The Office for Refugees cooperates with Jolie since 2001, and in 2012 she was appointed a special ambassador. During her career, the actress has undertaken more than 60 field missions to “bear witness to stories of suffering as well as hope and resilience.” She recently visited Yemen and Burkina Faso and met with refugees.

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In April, the actress also visited Ukraine. She met with internally displaced persons who were forced to flee from the war that Russia started and continues to wage.

Source: ZN

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