
Ankara does not rule out a meeting between the heads of foreign affairs of Turkey and Syria in Moscow

The meeting may take place in Moscow.

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A tripartite meeting of the heads of the foreign policy departments of Ankara, Damascus and Moscow regarding the situation in Syria may take place in the second half of January. This was reported by the Turkish publication TRT with reference to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlut Çavuşoğlu, who had a telephone conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov.

According to Çavuşoğlu, they previously agreed on the deadline. holding the meeting and are currently preparing.

The minister did not rule out that such a meeting could take place in Moscow.

He assumed that after the meetings of the heads of the foreign policy departments of Turkey, Syria and Russia, it could also take place meeting at the highest level.

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Before that, on Wednesday, a meeting of the heads of the ministries of defense and intelligence services of Turkey, Russia and Syria took place in Moscow – for Ankara and Damascus, this is the first of since the start of the civil war in 2011, a meeting of this level.

Source: ZN

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