
Apple Pay stopped adding Russian Mir cards and turned off the old ones

Apple announced in early March to withdraw from the Russian market.

Apple has blocked the addition of payment cards of the Russian system “Mir” to the payment service Apple Pay. This was announced by the Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov. Thank you to Apple for adhering to the principles, “Fedorov wrote.

The inability to add Mir cards to Apple's service has been confirmed by Russian users, Medusa reports. When trying to add a “Peace” card, the service reports: “The card is not available. Currently cannot be used on Apple Pay. Users are then asked to try again or add a card later.

Read also: Genuine Apple equipment can no longer be bought in Russia – Fedorov

Recall, Apple responded to Russia's attack on Ukraine in early March. Then the company announced that it was leaving the Russian market, stopped selling its products in the aggressor country, and stopped Apple Pay. Visa and Mastercard cards, which were also blocked in Russia, could not be added to it.

In addition, Apple has removed RT and Sputnik's propaganda resources from the App Store outside of Russia. The company also blocked access to broadcast its spring presentation for users from Russia.

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