
Art and artificial intelligence: can ChatGPT create content for the cultural sector

Instead of staring at a blank screen, why not ask ChatGPT to suggest content ideas on a specific topic—whether it's Van Gogh, the Magna Carta, or the practice of conserving your inner energy.

Art and artificial intelligence: can ChatGPT create content for the cultural sector

The popularity of artificial intelligence in general and ChatGPT in particular is gaining more and more coverage, thanks to their ability to quite subtly and convincingly copy human manner of speech and results creativity of a living person. Can ChatGPT change communication in art? Stephen Franklin, digital engagement specialist at the National Archives of Great Britain, addressed this question in a blog for The Art Newspaper. Journalists of the publication cover in the digital sectionthe collision of the worlds of art and social media, the articles address  the challenges that arise when art enters the digital world.

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ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot that has gone viral. Chatbots are computer programs designed to simulate a conversation with human users, and this one is distinguished by the fact thatgenerates text based on written prompts and provides persuasive humanized responses. After some experimentation, the publication below outlines how cultural organizations can use it for social media.

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Generating ideas

Despite our best efforts, there are days when our creativity is low. Instead of staring at a blank screen, why not ask ChatGPT to suggest content ideas on a specific topic – be it the Magna Carta, Van Gogh, or the practice of (inner energy) conservation? These ideas, taken in part from what people usually search on the Internet for these topics, will undoubtedly answer the request and accordingly increase the relevance of the content and the chances of being found.

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Tool time saving

ChatGPT won't make your social media team redundant. Currently, the platform is a time-saving tool that will increase efficiency and can bring undoubted benefits. And who knows where technology will take us next?

Trend detection

Social media teams are used to being inundated with comments and messages, looking for common threads. In the past this could take several hours, but now you can ask ChatGPT to do the analysis for you, simply by exporting text to the platform and asking it to identify commonalities.

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Search engine optimization

Finding anything online is not easy with the gigatons of information available at various links. Visibility comes from the keywords, tags and phrases we use in our content. ChatGPT can come up with relevant video tags, captions and titles to make content as easy as possible to find online.

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If you need the help of Artificial Intelligence in order to interest a certain cohort of people, the same ChatGPT will easily tailor the request to the interests of representatives of this category. The author tested this by first asking ChatGPT to suggest a video title for the Doomsday Book content. It was proposed: to reveal the secrets of the Book of the Last Judgment. I then asked if that might make the title more relevant to 21-30 year olds. It offered: “Unraveling the Secrets of the Doomsday Book: A Millennium Guide to England's Hidden History”.

Source: ZN

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