
At least four countries can block Ukraine's application for EU membership

And one of them is Germany, which has not yet expressed its official position.

At least four countries may block Ukraine's application for EU membership

Despite Ukraine's generally optimistic expectations about resolving Ukraine's EU membership, the risks of activating” brake mechanisms “in some member states remain significant. In particular, the stopcock can be pressed by at least four countries that are major members of the EU, writes in his article for ZN.UA “Ukrainian crossroads of the European Union” Executive Director of the Renaissance Foundation Alexander Sushko strong>.

In particular, official Berlin did not express clear support for Ukraine's accession to the EU.

“There is still serious diplomatic work ahead. There are fears that instead of political and legal certainty, the German government will propose something like “deepening the partnership” and “further rapprochement” – in parallel with the postponement of the application in a long box, “- said the expert.

There is also no certainty about France's position due to the popularity of a candidate with distinctly Ukrainian-skeptical views on the eve of the second round of the presidential election. Even the incumbent is currently avoiding commenting on the generally unpopular topic of EU enlargement. Ukraine-EU Association Agreements.

Well, of course, our Hungarian “friends”, whose position on Ukraine's candidacy has not yet been voiced, have traditionally strengthened the Ukrainian confusion. “It is also unknown how the fate of the Ukrainian application will be affected by the applications for EU membership from Moldova and Georgia, which arrived in Brussels a few days after Ukrainian, and who also received a questionnaire from the European Commission.

More about the fate of Ukraine's application for EU membership, risks and which countries may slow down granting our country this status read then in the material.

Source: ZN

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