
At least one person was injured as a result of the morning shelling of Zaporizhzhia

Infrastructure objects, in particular, a rehabilitation center for children with special needs, were destroyed.

“At least one person was injured as a result of the morning shelling of Zaporizhzhia” />

In the Zaporizhzhia region, the air warning signal sounded at least ten times. In the morning, around six o'clock, there were explosions in the region. As a result of the Russian missile strike, infrastructure facilities were destroyed, and at least one person was injured, reported Oleksandr Starukh, head of Zaporizhzhia OVA.

According to available information, about ten S-300 missiles were fired over Zaporizhzhia. As a result of the shelling, infrastructure facilities in Zaporizhzhia and in two villages of the Zaporizhzhia district were destroyed. In particular, a medical institution, seven apartment buildings, and two educational institutions were damaged, including a rehabilitation center where children with special needs studied. medical assistance is needed.

Read also: Shelling of Mykolaiv region: two people died and seven were injured

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In general, over the past day, the occupiers inflicted 11 missile and 10 air strikes, carried out more than 65 attacks from rocket salvo systems.

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Source: ZN

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