
Babylon'13 film association presented the trailer of the film about the destruction of the MH17 plane by Russian terrorists

The tape “Iron Butterflies” by Roman Lyuboy tells about one of the biggest war crimes in modern history

The Babylon'13 film association presented the trailer of the film about the destruction of the MH17 plane by Russian terrorists

Filmob' “Babilon'13” association presented the trailer of the Ukrainian film about the destruction of the MH17 plane by Russian terrorists. The film “Iron Butterflies” by Roman Lyuboy strong> tells about one of the biggest war crimes in modern history committed by the Russian military.

“Iron Butterflies” carefully paints a picture of the downing of the Malaysian plane MH17 and pays special attention to the Russian propaganda machine, which constantly changed the rhetoric about the disaster. At the same time, the film organically combines archival footage, clippings from cases and fragments of telecasts, interviews, documentary observations, elements of performance and animation”, – noted in “Bavilon'13”.

The world premiere of the film is planned for the winter of 2023. The picture is created by the film association “Bávylon'13” in co-production with TRIMAFILM (Germany) and RBB/ARTE (Germany) and with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Fund and the State Agency of Ukraine for Film Affairs.

Read also: War on camera

Let us remind you that eight years ago Russia shot down a passenger plane in the sky over Donbas and Ukraine continues to seek the truth.

See special topic: Court in of the MH17 case Eight years ago, Russia shot down a passenger plane in the sky over Donbas: Ukraine continues to seek the truth The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine issued an official statement on the anniversary of the tragedy. Downing of MH17: Australia and the Netherlands will turn to the ICAO to hold the Russian Federation accountable The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has already welcomed such a decision. MH17 downing: Investigators turn to Russian military from Kursk for help The Joint Investigation Team is looking for anyone with any information related to the downing of the plane. The Ministry of Justice is considering the issue of joining Ukraine to the claim of the Netherlands in the ECtHR in the case of MH17 – Mammadov The authorities of the Netherlands have sent a claim against Russia to the ECtHR. We do not see any problems in working with Malaysian colleagues in the MH17 case – head of the JIT from Ukraine According to Mammadov, the Investigative Group continues to collect and analyze evidence of the involvement of other persons before committing a crime.

Source: ZN

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