
Belgium and Luxembourg unblocked 55 billion euros of Russian assets

So that unlicensed investors can use their assets.

Belgium and Luxembourg unblock 55 billion euros of Russian assets

The Ministries of Finance of Belgium and Luxembourg have temporarily unfrozen the assets of Russian investors for 55 billion euros, reports DW with reference to The Bell. These are foreign securities that belong not to oligarchs, but to five million citizens of Russia.

Read also: The Senate adopted an amendment to the budget on seizing the assets of Russian businessmen

In Belgium, 50 billion, and Luxembourg – 5.5 billion euros. Now those Russians who are not under sanctions will have a chance to withdraw their funds. However, the withdrawal procedure for Russians who are not on the blacklist is not yet known.

The assets are unlocked until January 7, but part of this period falls on the Christmas weekend in Europe and part on the New Year holidays in Russia .

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After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Western countries introduced unprecedented sanctions against the Russian Federation. Leading banks, many sectors of the economy and big businessmen fell under the restrictions. Some international companies stopped working with Russia, citing ethical principles or the difficulty of working with the Russian market under sanctions pressure.



Source: ZN

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