
Biden declared that the Russian Federation violated the UN Charter by invading Ukraine

The US president added that Russia wants to destroy the right of Ukrainians to exist.

declared that the Russian Federation violated the UN Charter by invading Ukraine” />

Russia violated the foundations of the United Nations Charter by launching an invasion into the territory of Ukraine. This was stated by the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, during his speech at the UN General Assembly, reports Interfax-Ukraine.

“A permanent member of the UN Security Council has invaded its neighboring country. Russia has shamelessly violated the foundations of the UN Charter, the clear prohibition of conquering a neighboring country,” Biden emphasized.

He noted that none of the Western countries threatened the Russian Federation and wanted a conflict with her – this is what the aggressor himself wanted. According to the US leader, his country, on the contrary, tried to prevent the escalation of Russia's war against Ukraine and warned about it.

Joe Biden also said that the Russian invasion aims to destroy Ukraine's right to exist as a state and Ukrainians – as a people.

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“This war is aimed at destroying Ukraine's right to exist – simply and clearly – and Ukraine's right to exist as a people. Whoever you are, no matter where you live, no matter what you believe, it should make your blood run cold,” said the US president.

In particular, he mentioned the mass burials in Izyum, Kharkiv region, which are even more horrific proof of the atrocities and war crimes of the occupiers.

Biden also confirmed that the United States is not going to recognize the results of the so-called “referendums” on joining the Russian Federation in the temporarily occupied territories of Donbas, Kherson Oblast, and Zaporizhzhia Oblast. He emphasized that such pseudo-referendums violate international norms.

Can an aggressor country that violates many norms of international law not only be a member of the UN, but also sit in its body – the Security Council, which is responsible for maintaining international peace and security? The question is rhetorical. But when there is indisputable evidence that the Russian Federation got into the UN and its Security Council absolutely illegally, it is necessary to act.

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What kind of evidence is this, how to deprive the Russian Federation of membership in the UN, and why is it for Ukraine? Volodymyr Yelchenko, permanent representative of Ukraine at the UN (1997–2001, 2015–2019) and lawyer, co-founder of the Initiative Group for the Expulsion of the Russian Federation from the UN Maksym Baryshnikov write about this in the article “The biggest geopolitical scam of the 20th century: why Russia's presence in the UN is groundless “.

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Source: ZN

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