
BP has further strengthened the requirements for housing under construction

New requirements for the energy efficiency of residential buildings have been introduced.

strengthened the requirements for housing under construction” />

The Verkhovna Rada voted for draft law No. 6485 “On amendments to some laws of Ukraine regarding the creation of conditions for the introduction of comprehensive thermal modernization of buildings”, goal which is the introduction of energy efficiency requirements for buildings under construction. What will this law change in urban planning, said the head of the “Servant of the People” party, Olena Shulyak.

The bill is one of three designed to provide a systematic approach to the reconstruction of cities affected by Russia's war against Ukraine. In particular, these are draft laws No. 7282 (comprehensive plan for the restoration of regions), No. 7398 (civil safety in urban planning) and No. 6485 (construction of new energy-efficient housing).

Draft Law No. 6485 aimed at comprehensive renewal of the sphere of thermal modernization of buildings in Ukraine. In addition, the state will now participate in increasing energy efficiency. In particular, it is about:

  • simplification of application review procedures for   partial cost reimbursement   of energy efficiency measures;
  • introduction of the possibility of staged financing of thermal modernization projects;
  • opportunities to finance those types of work (no more than 10% of the cost of the entire project, the list of works is approved by the Energy Efficiency Fund), which are not related to energy efficiency< /strong>, but are necessary for the implementation of the thermal modernization project of the building.

New requirements for energy efficiency will also be introduced in Ukraine. In particular:

  • minimum requirements are subject to review at least once every 5 years; the minimum requirements for energy efficiency are differentiated depending on the functional purpose of the buildings, the height of the buildings, the type of construction;
  • Minimum requirements for energy efficiency are applied to new construction, reconstruction, and major repairs.

Among other things, from the moment the law enters into force, thermal modernization of the building will not be recognized at partial insulation of the facade. Insulation must be systemic – uniform for the entire building.

The provision on the certification of persons who intend to carry out certification activities of buildings will also change, and a new norm will also be added, which establishes a system of energy management of buildings.

It is important that the draft law destroys the schemes of abuse of utility service providers regarding the adoption of a commercial accounting unit (common meter) for subscriber accounting. It is determined that payment in the case of installation of a household meter is carried out only according to the readings of the meter, from the moment of its actual installation. “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Ensuring Civil Defense Requirements in the Planning and Development of Territories”, which requires developers to create conditions so that residents of housing estates have protection against explosions, blast waves, chemical damage, bacteriological or radioactive substances. Therefore, new problems arise for developers.

In Ukraine, three new registers in the field of real estate accounting will also be created.

Source: ZN

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