
British Ministry of Defense: Putin is already hinting to the military command of the Russian Federation about joint responsibility for the war against Ukraine

And the television coverage of their last meeting was supposed to debunk rumors about Gerasimov's dismissal.

responsibility for the war against Ukraine ” alt=”Ministry of Defense of Britain: Putin is already hinting to the military command of the Russian Federation about joint responsibility for the war against Ukraine ” />

On December 16, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the Joint Headquarters of a special military operation, where he met with a number of high-ranking military personnel, including Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. This is stated in the latest report of the British Ministry of Defense, which the agency published on its Twitter page.

In the summary, it is said that during the meeting, the commander of the Russian troops in Ukraine, Sergey Surovikin, also gave a report. The fact is that it was Putin who demanded that proposals be presented to him regarding the next steps of the occupying forces in the war against our country.

“With this demonstrative meeting, Putin probably aimed to demonstrate collective responsibility for a military special operation,” the British Ministry of Defense concludes. – This meeting was probably aimed at deflect Putin's responsibility for military failure, high death rates, and growing public discontent away from mobilization.

The television footage was also designed to dispel rumors in social networks about the release of General Gerasimov“. 

Read also: The Kremlin is preparing the dismissal of a number of odious officials: The Insider told who and for what a new offensive in February. The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhnyi notes that it is currently unclear in which direction this will take place. But he does not reject the fact that the occupiers will again try to capture Kyiv, starting the operation from the side of Belarus. experts have always questioned the ability of the occupying forces (including the Belarusian army) to succeed in the second attempt to occupy the Ukrainian capital. And now ISW analysts point out that if Putin does go for it, he will fail again. The fact is that in recent months, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have significantly strengthened their defenses in the north, while Russian troops have greatly degraded.

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Source: ZN

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