
By September, Russia's forces will decline and Ukraine will have enough potential to displace them – Ben Hodges

Ex-Commander of the US Army in Europe, Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, is convinced that there are still many challenges ahead, but none of this can be called a victory for Russia.

 By September, Russian forces will decline and Ukraine will have enough potential to overtake them - Ben Hodges

In late summer or early autumn, Russian forces will decline, and Ukraine will have sufficient potential for counterattack />to push the enemy at least to the line of contact on February 23. This was stated by the former commander of the US Ground Forces in Europe, Lieutenant General Ben Hodges in an interview with the Voice of America.

what goals the Kremlin set for itself. Frankly, I don't think Russia can continue to do what they do indefinitely. I think the culmination will be sometime in late summer, when they will run out of people, ammunition and the will to fight, “said Hodges.

He explained that the occupiers could not achieve all their goals. In particular, the Russian Ministry of Defense has shown itself to be a corrupt institution, and their soldiers have shown themselves to be murderers who use weapons against civilian objects. “

” Then Putin even gave honorary Guards titles to the brigade involved in the killing of civilians in Bucha. So I don't think they have anything to celebrate. It is clear that they have seized territory, causing enormous damage to Ukraine's economy. They are blocking grain exports, “Hodges said.

At the same time, according to analytical media, Russia spends $ 900 million a day on the war against Ukraine. According to Ben Hodges, the forces of the aggressor's country will decline in a few months. potential to launch a counteroffensive. To push Russian forces back at least to the line on February 23. I think it will happen by September, “Hodges concluded.

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Recently, troops Russia has reduced the scale of its actions in Ukraine. The Pentagon said that this indicates a decrease in the ambitions of the enemy.

British intelligence suggests that Russia has fired a number of top commanders in recent weeks , which are believed to have worked poorly in the early stages of the invasion of Ukraine. In particular, among those removed was Lieutenant General Serhiy Kisel, who commanded the elite 1st Guards Panzer Army and was unable to capture Kharkiv.

According to The Guardians, citing Western military sources, Vladimir Putin is personally involved in the actions of the Russian army in Ukraine, as he makes operational and tactical decisions “at the level of brigadier or colonel.” >

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Source: ZN

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