
Canada will not refuse to participate in the G20 summit because of Putin

Putin was invited to the summit in April.

will refuse to participate in the G20 summit because of Putin” />

Canada will not withdraw from the G20 summit in Bali in November, despite the possible participation of Vladimir Putin, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said.< /p>

“We expect Canada and all G7 members to be at the G20,” Trudeau said when asked if Ottawa would attend the meeting if Putin also attended.

“That's too much an important conversation about the world economy. It is very important that we are there to counter the voice and the lies that Russia may be putting forth. It's still a few months away and anything can happen,” he added.

The G7 also includes Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States.

Read also: The decision to boycott the G20 summit due to Putin's participation has not yet been made

Indonesian President Joko Widodo met with Putin in Moscow on Thursday, the day after his talks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv.

Widodo also invited Zelensky to a summit in Bali on November 15-16. The Ukrainian president told Widodo on Wednesday that he would attend the summit depending on who else attends.

Putin joined the G20 summit last October in Rome via video conference due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Source: ZN

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