
Changing the clock: how to change the time on the phone

The action algorithm depends on the operating system.

Transforming the clock: how to change the time on the phone

This year, Ukrainians will switch to summer time at 3:00 a.m. on March 26. The hands should be moved forward by one time.

Read also: Transition to summer time: how to prepare the body for changes

In order not to get confused, it is better to know in advance how to change the clock on your smartphone. writes “Apostrophe”. The algorithm of actions depends on the operating system of the gadget. Modern smartphones change the time independently, but if the automatic change did not occur, it can be done manually.

How to change the clock on Android

On your phone, select the “Times” application and click the “More settings” button. Then select your home time zone or change the date and time. If you are outside your home time zone and want to show or hide the time in it, you need to click “Show home time”. .

How to change the clock on iPhone and iPad

In the “Date and time” settings, you can set the device to automatically adjust when the time zone changes. If the wrong date, time or time zone is still displayed on your gadget, each parameter can be changed separately.

First, go to “Settings”. Click the “General” button, and then “Date and time”. It is necessary to disable the “Set automatically” option, then click “Time zone” and select the most suitable city.

It should be remembered that in order to change the time zone, one of the latest iOS must be installed on your gadget.

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Source: ZN

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