
“Concert between explosions” took place at the metro station in Kharkiv

KharkivMusicFest was to start in the city on March 26.

A concert between explosions took place at the Historical Museum metro station in Kharkiv “. This is a concert of classical music performed by Kharkiv musicians for the sake of unity and in the name of peace.

According to Vecherniy Kharkiv, KharkivMusicFest was to start on March 26 in the city. Musicians from all over the world who had not performed in Ukraine before were to come to the festival. But a full-scale Russian invasion changed those plans.

Read also: In the Kharkiv region, the Ukrainian Armed Forces liberated several settlements

Despite all this, Kharkiv continues to resist aggression, it has already received the title of hero city. Therefore, the organizers of KharkivMusicFest decided to make a symbolic opening of the festival.

A string quintet performed in the metro, which, in particular, played the anthem of Ukraine, as well as works by Skoryk, Bach, Schubert and other compositions.

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