
Cop27: The main costs in the fight against climate change should fall on developed countries, to which the PRC does not include itself

And that's why the old developed economies are obliged to finance the fight against the climate crisis, and the new ones, such as the PRC or Saidian Arabia – at will.

on developed countries, to which the PRC does not include itself” alt=”Cop27: The main costs in the fight against climate change should fall on developed countries, to which the PRC does not include itself” />

China and the US have renewed their partnership in the fight against climate change crisis and are working closely and productively on ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, said the head of the Chinese delegation, Xie Zhenhua, at the UN Climate Summit Cop27 in Egypt. This came as unexpected good news from the Chinese representative, who on Saturday held a small briefing for journalists, the Guardian reports.

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Xe said he and John Kerry, the US president's special envoy for climate change, had “very constructive” discussions.

< p>“We had a close and active dialogue that was generally very constructive. [We want to] ensure the success of Cop27 and exchange views on our differences,” he noted.

Relations between China and the US hit a new low ahead of the conference after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited the disputed island of Taiwan this summer. All talks have been suspended, including climate talks.

This is a major blow to the prospects of Cop27, as at Cop26 in Glasgow last year the world's two biggest emitters of greenhouse gases and two of the biggest economies surprised the world by establishing a “climate dialogue”. , to work on reducing emissions.

But Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping met at the G20 summit in Baliearlier this week, and the relationship has thawed.

Se and Kerry had already met for informal talks last week. On Saturday, Xi said they intended to continue formal meetings after Cop27, hoping to make more progress on vital issues such as low-carbon technologies and reducing methane emissions.

He said: “We agreed that after Soon we will continue official negotiations, including personal meetings”.

The EU put forward a proposal to create a new fund to provide financial assistance to poor countries that suffer from the most devastating consequences of extreme weather conditions.

At the same time, the EU proposes to expand the list of potential donors of such a fund. According to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, signed in 1992, financial assistance should be provided only to those countries that 30 years ago belonged to the developed category.

But countries like China, Saudi Arabia and Russia today have much larger economies, including in some cases high fossil fuel revenues, and their emissions have risen dramatically.

This reiterated China's position that it is still a developing country and therefore has no obligation to provide financial aid to poor countries. He said China is voluntarily providing assistance to countries in Latin America, Africa and other regions, including helping to build early warning systems for extreme weather conditions, access to renewable energy technologies and “capacity building” for governments.

” In the loss and damage fund, if it exists, the responsibility for providing funds lies with developed countries,” he said. — This is their responsibility and duty. Developing countries can contribute on a voluntary basis.

Another issue on which there was still no agreement by the end of Saturday was the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C higher than the pre-industrial level. This target was agreed last year at the Cop26 summit in Glasgow, but some countries at Cop27 tried to scrap this commitment and the requirement for countries to update their national emission reduction plans annually until they meet the 1.5C target.

Xie reiterated that China is a supporter of both the Paris Agreement and the Glasgow Climate Pact. “I believe that we must adhere to the principles and spirit of the Paris Agreement and the Glasgow Pact, and we must make great efforts, but we must not increase the burden on developing countries,” he said. — Developed countries must take the lead in reducing emissions and provide developing countries with finance and technology to support their need to improve their emissions reduction capabilities.”

The annual UN summit on climate change. This is reported by the BBC.

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More than 120 world leaders arrived at the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt. About 30,000 people will take part in the two-week Cop27 climate change summit.

Source: ZN

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