
Crimea is preparing: intelligence commented on the mood of the inhabitants of the peninsula

Crimeans are waiting to return to their native harbor.

=”Crimea is preparing: intelligence commented on the mood of the inhabitants of the peninsula” />

Representative of the General Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine Andriy Yusov said that the residents of Crimea are waiting for deoccupation by the Ukrainian Armed Forces and are sending data about the movement of Russian equipment. Yusov announced this on the air of Freedom TV channel.

“Undoubtedly, this is information from the local residents, who literally mass and at every step inform about the actions of the occupiers and what is happening there. This only applies to information, but then there are also various actions of informational resistance and actions of a special nature. Therefore, yes. Crimea is preparing and Ukrainians – Crimeans, Crimean Tatars – are preparing for the liberation of Crimea and return to their native Ukrainian harbor,” he noted that the return of the peninsula is inevitable.

“The enemy cannot hide this. Panic preparations, all these trenches, concrete structures are different… In this way, they themselves show the local population what they are preparing for. That is why the local population is looking forward to the Ukrainian defense forces that will liberate our Crimea,” he added. Yusov.

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Source: ZN

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