
Despite significant losses, the occupiers continue to attack the direction of Bakhyut – Gaidai

According to the head of the Luhansk OVA, the Russian invaders are not in a very good morale, because their offensive is not successful.

losses, the occupiers continue to attack the Bakhyut direction – Gaidai” />

Despite significant losses, the Russian occupiers do not stop attacking from the Popasnya direction in the direction of Bakhmut, the head of Luhansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai reported. According to him, it was in the direction of Bakhmut that the enemy concentrated its main forces.

“But the way to the city lies through the strong defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Luhansk region. The moral and psychological state of the Russians is disturbed due to the fact that their offensive does not have the expected success. With the acquisition of long-range artillery by the Armed Forces, it is now difficult for the occupiers to fall asleep, because they may not see the dawn. Like yesterday in Pervomaisk. Or find only ashes instead of a warehouse with weapons. In addition, they lose fighters and equipment every day during their numerous attacks,” Gaidai noted.

In particular, the occupiers launched two missile strikes last day. Russian killers launched eight rockets. In addition, four airstrikes on populated areas were recorded. The enemy used artillery support seven times, fired mortars twice, and engaged tanks.

“After several hours of artillery fire, the occupiers go on the offensive. So, seven such attempts were repelled in the past day. The enemy was forced to withdraw in these directions. Armed assistance from Western partners helps to demoralize the Russians,” Gaidai added.

Read also: The humanitarian situation in the Luhansk region is catastrophic – Gaidai

According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, last day in Donbas the enemy concentrated his efforts on conducting an offensive in the Bakhmut and Avdiiv directionsin Donetsk region. The Armed Forces of Ukraine repelled the assault in the Yakovlivka, Vershyn, Kodema, and Travnevo districts. As of the morning of August 2, hostilities continue near Bakhmut and Zaytsevo.

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Source: ZN

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