
Die Welt: Iran is capable of producing no more than 20 drones per month for Russia, the expert named the reasons

The former pilot of the Iranian Air Force explained why the “Guardians of the Islamic Revolution” most likely do not like the supply of Iranian weapons to Russia.

Die Welt: Iran is capable of producing no more than 20 drones for Russia per month, the expert named the reasons

According to the estimates of the government of Ukraine, Russia agreed with Iran on the sale 2200-2400 drones, which Moscow uses in the war. The Iranian opposition group the People's Mujahideen Organization, which runs a secret network in the country, says there are as many as 3,500 devices.

But former Iranian Air Force pilot Babak Taghwai, who now lives in London, told Die Welt that these the figures are exaggerated.

“The serial numbers of the downed Schahed-131 and Schahed-136 indicate that Russia received about 100 units of each model,” he said, adding that producing drones is not as easy as machine guns or grenades.

“This is a complex production that takes time. In the best case scenario, Iran can collect 20 drones every month and then hand them over to Russia,” explained Tagwai.

Die Welt writes that the Iranian expert's explanation may shed light on why Russia uses Iranian drones in the way it does. how does she do it Last week during massive shelling of Ukrainian infrastructurekamikaze drones played a minor role. Ukrainian air defense forces shot down only 10 drones. At the same time, they destroyed 73 Russian missiles. And it looks strange, considering that Iranian drones are many times cheaper than the Kh-101 missiles that Moscow fires at Ukraine.

Read also: Atlantic Council: Iran's export of drones to Russia will endanger allies USA

So Die Welt concludes that the Russian army does not have large reserves of kamikaze drones. Otherwise, she would have used them more intensively and not only in the rear, but also at the front. The publication explains that the production of drones in Iran is controlled by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which has a great influence on the country's Armed Forces and economic life in general. Tehran has been living under the pressure of international sanctions for many years. So the “Guardians of the Islamic Revolution” built secret schemes to bypass all restrictions.

Despite this, it is difficult for Iran to massively purchase the components needed for industrial production on the black market. Especially since a month ago, the EU introduced new sanctions aimed at the companies that make Iranian drones. Washington also approved a new package of sanctions aimed at companies, airlines and transport firms linked to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, through which Iran receives important details.

Also read: Russia and Iran struck a secret deal on UAV production – WP

Tagwai points to another problem. In his opinion, the “Guardians of the Islamic Revolution” are definitely not happy that Shahed-131 and Shahed-136 are taken from their warehouses and sent to Russia. Because there is a risk of reducing their own power. The Guardians of the Islamic Revolution want to maintain dominance in Iran and be able to provide for their allies abroad. Among them are Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, and the socialist regime in Venezuela. Therefore, the Iranian “Guards” cannot allow their warehouses to be half-empty.

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“This is probably why they are critical of the supply of small and large-range missiles, which they talked about in recent weeks. Of course, Iran can hand them over. But, to be honest, I don't think that Russia even asked for it,” said Tagvai.

Source: ZN

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