
Due to Russia's actions, Ukraine is increasing the tonnage of ships exporting grain

This is related to Russian inspections in the Bosphorus.

Ukraine increases the tonnage of ships exporting grain due to Russia's actions

Ukraine intends to increase the tonnage of ships passing through the “grain corridor”. This decision was made in order to increase the volume of exports in the face of a full-scale Russian invasion and reduce downtime. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Infrastructure.

As reported by the department, the minimum tonnage for grain ships will increase from 20,000 tons to 25,000 tons, for oil – from 6,000 tons to 10,000 tons.


Compared to the previous week, the volume of exports through Odessa ports increased by 152,000 tons. At the same time, the rate of arrival of new vessels for loading continues to decrease. Last week, the ports of Odessa received only 16 ships, the day before – 25 ships.

Read also: Russia declared the inexpediency of the extension of the grain agreement

The tendency to reduce measures of agricultural export ships is due to Russia's actions in the inspection zone in the Bosphorus.

“The Russians purposefully sabotage inspections under various unfounded and sometimes absurd pretexts. In this regard, as of February 12, 145 vessels are waiting in the inspection queue of the Joint Coordination Center, of which 122 – heading to Ukrainian ports for agricultural products” in the Ministry.

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Earlier it became known that Ukraine exported a quarter less agricultural products in January than in December.

Source: ZN

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