
Due to the lack of instructors, the mobilized Russians will have minimal training – British intelligence

Due to the sudden and accelerated mobilization, the Russian military leadership will face real administrative and logistical problems.

lack of instructors, mobilized Russians will have minimal training – British intelligence” />

In just a few days of “partial” mobilizationin the Russian Federation, thousands of people have already received summonses and arrived at assembly centers. The first groups of conscripts are already being sent to military bases for further training. According to British intelligence experts, Russia will now face real administrative and logistical problems related to military training, the press service of the British Ministry of Defense reports.

“Unlike most Western armies, the Russian Armed Forces conduct initial training of soldiers at a low level within their assigned operational units, rather than at special training institutions. Typically, one battalion of each Russian brigade remains in garrison, while the other two are being deployed, and I can provide instructors to train recruits or replenish. However, most of these battalions are already on the territory of Ukraine,” the daily summary says.

Read also: In a Russian village, all men were mobilized for the war against Ukraine


Since a significant number of current conscripts have had no military experience for many years, and the lack of the necessary number of qualified instructors in combination with the haste with which mobilization measures take place, it is not necessary to expect high-quality training of new recruits. It is likely that the new forces will be sent to the combat zone with a minimum level of training. And there will probably be significant losses among those mobilized.

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Problems currently facing Russia military command are fundamental, so it is unlikely that quick mobilization will allow “to patch the holes”.

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Source: ZN

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