
Eastern Donbas of Ukraine “is not lost yet” – General Milli

According to the general, a brutal war of attrition continues in Donbas.

Eastern Donbas of Ukraine

Eastern region of Donbas is not yet lost for Ukraine, said a high-ranking US General Mark Milley.

“No, it's not lost yet,” US Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley said at a press briefing when a reporter asked if the region had been lost.


“The war is going on very intensively, there is a lot of violence – tens of thousands of artillery shells every 24 hours, a lot of casualties on both sides, a lot of destruction in villages, etc.,” Milli listed, Reuters reports.

According to him, in Donbass a brutal war of attrition is going on, the Ukrainians are forcing the Russians to pay for every inch of territory.

At the same time, the advance of Russian troops is measured “literally by hundreds of meters, on some days it can be one or two kilometers, but no more.”< /p>

Read also: Massive attack by Russian troops on Donetsk region: there are killed and wounded

Earlier it was reported that the USA and allies plan to hand over 20 HIMARS systems to Ukraine .

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Source: ZN

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