
Elon Musk can create tELONphone

Musk spoke on Twitter about the possibility of developing his own phone.

Ilon Musk может составка tELONphone

The head of Twitter, Elon Musk, said that he does not exclude the creation of an “alternative phone” if Twitter is removed from the Apple App Store and Google Play.

This comment Musk made in response at the suggestion of one of the users.

“If Apple and Google remove Twitter from their application stores, Elon Musk must make his own smartphone. A person is building rockets to Mars, to make such nonsense as a small smartphone should be a winner for him, right?” she suggested.

Musk, in his in turn, wrote that he hopes it will not come to that, however, if there is no second choice, he will create an alternative phone.

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Musk's comments came after Phil Schiller, the Apple employee responsible for the App Store, deleted his Twitter account.

Yoel Roth< /strong>, the former head of trust and security at Twitter, said in a New York Times commentary that the social media giant risks being banned from the Apple and Google app stores if it violates the rules they set.

After the acquisition A Twitter businessman made certain controversial changes to the rules of the service, which forced some advertisers to consider the platform a high-risk place. Musk announced an “amnesty” for blocked accounts. According to him, this change will take effect from next week.

Source: ZN

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