
Emergency situations: how to calm a child

The psychologist gave several practical recommendations.

Emergency situations: how to calm a child

Ukrainians live in times of total danger due to massive shelling and the military invasion of Russia. Children and adults can experience critical situations differently. However, parents can do a lot to help their child feel stable, secure, and safe in the face of disruptive factors. Even babies react to emergency situations.

Psychologist Inna Kanyuk in the Telegram channel “Psychological support” told how to calm a child and suggested some practices.

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TOP-7 tips from a psychologist on how to calm a child during a critical situation

Buzzard offers the following methods:

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  • Relieve tension from your body: self-massage and gymnastics. Remember that an adult is the main source of information coming from the outside world. Tension on the face, lack of a smile, tears – a signal for the baby that the adult is not well. This means that the child's sense of danger and fear increases.
  • Hugs and the smell of parents – this will help the child to feel warmth and care, which will be a signal that everything is fine. An adult is nearby. If you have to leave, you should leave your belongings that will remind the little ones of you and your smell.
  • Contact with other children – according to the situation, you should look for groups of people with children and contact them whenever possible.
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  • Children's toys and a lullaby – the child will gradually calm down if he is sung a lullaby or told a fairy tale. You should also not forget about the baby's favorite toys.
  • Tell about tragic events in the form of a fairy tale – in the event that the baby witnessed tragic events, try to explain what happened, simply tell the story in the form of a fairy tale and fairy-tale characters. Inform the baby about everything that is happening.
  • Save daily rituals as much as possible – meals, sleep patterns are the key to a healthy nervous system.
  • Sing to the baby during sirens and explosions – when sirens sound, hold the child tightly, rock him and sing your favorite lullabies.

We remind you that the previously known psychologist Dmytro Kaprachov told how to talk to a child about the war.

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Source: ZN

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